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    <p>Prostate Cancer</p>

    Prostate Cancer

  • Starting ADT Therapy

    If you or someone you know has just been prescribed ADT, or ‘androgen deprivation therapy’ for prostate cancer, it can be really helpful to understand how it works and what to expect. To begin, prostate cancer requires the male hormone testosterone to develop and grow, and as such, a common treatment involves shutting down the production of testosterone by using various drugs. Since testosterone is the main “androgen”, the medical term for removing testosterone is called androgen deprivation therapy, which is also known as ADT. Sometimes this treatment is also called “hormone therapy” for prostate cancer.

    ADT may be given for short or long periods of time. Your physician will help determine what’s right for you. We know that ADT treatments have a favorable safety profile, are effective treatments for prostate cancer and have been used for decades. Like many medications, it can however, be associated with some side effects that may involve changes in your body and emotional wellbeing. There are other videos in this series that describe these changes and how to best manage them. Its important to note
    that everyone experiences these side effects differently, and the severity of physical and emotional
    changes will vary from one man to another. Being aware of potential side effects will help you navigate through your treatment. Sometimes we can offer treatments that help reduce some of these side effects. More importantly, if side effects do occur, there are often good treatments to help manage the symptoms.

    For this reason, it’s very important to have strong and open lines of communication with your family physician and doctor who is treating your prostate cancer. Make sure you let them know if your body or mood is changing and if you’re experiencing any negative side effects. This is crucial so they can help treat any problems that may arise. Also, having open conversations and good communication with your family, loved ones, and partner is crucial. If they know what to expect, they can help and support you with some of the changes that may occur. In summary, ADT has a good safety profile and is an effective therapy to treat prostate cancer, but may include some associated physical and emotional changes to be aware of. Your doctors are there to help you manage any issues you may experience, so it’s important to be open and discuss any changes as soon as you notice them.

Premier - Local Oncologist

Prostate Cancer Now

Prostate Cancer
