Premier - Local Athletic Therapist

  • Plank Exercise

    The core, or abdominal muscles, play an important role in trunk stabilization and strength production. The plank is the ideal exercise to target the core. For patients on Androgen Deprivation Therapy, we want to focus on keeping these muscles strong, as fat mass can accumulate in the abdominal region (2).

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    <p>Plank - Prostate Cancer Exercise Program; Mr. Nick Pratap, BSc, Kin, Clinical Exercise Physiologist</p>

    Plank - Prostate Cancer Exercise Program; Mr. Nick Pratap, BSc, Kin, Clinical Exercise Physiologist

  • Plank - Prostate Cancer Exercise Program

    The core, or abdominal muscles, play an important role in trunk stabilization and strength production. The plank is the ideal exercise to target the core. For patients on Androgen Deprivation Therapy, we want to focus on keeping these muscles strong, as fat mass can accumulate in the abdominal region (2).


Premier - Local Kinesiologist

Prostate Cancer Now

Prostate Cancer
